#52 Off the Cuff: What's your Stress Output?
Unscripted, unedited thoughts on my mind + nuggets of wisdom. Warning: rants and rambles are possible. They drop every Monday. For structured episodes, tune in on Thursdays.
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From a Full Cup is a mental wellness education podcast that teaches women to prioritize their wellness and put themselves first, because you can’t pour from an empty cup.
I'm your host Natalie Mullin , Certified Wellness Educator, Speaker, Facilitator and Teacher. Every Thursday I release a new episode, teaching women how to dream big, take action and move the needle forward in life.
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Copyright 2025 Natalie Mullin
[00:00:51] Natalie: It's been a really interesting period of time, but I'm really happy because I feel like I've been able to use so many of the tools that I use with my clients. I've been able to use them on my own self. And so that's exciting. It's just exciting to have tools in your toolbox and also To be able to go outside of yourself, such as to your doctor, your therapist, whoever else might be in your life to further assist you in periods of need.
[:[00:02:02] Natalie: I love using Heavy lifting and also some cardio just recently actually i've just recently started enjoying running on the treadmill Like for like two months and I realized though for the last I would say week and a half. I haven't worked out at all. I have been just completely off of my game as my stress levels got higher and my sleep was off.
[:[00:02:49] Natalie: And then, your energy goes, so you're not working out, because you don't have any vitality. And then your creativity goes because you're tired because you didn't get the sleep, right? So we just see how everything is interconnected and it will impact different areas of your life. It'll show up in your career.
[:[00:03:27] Natalie: But if people around you care about you, they'll be able to say, Hey, you haven't gone to sleep on time recently. Or, Hey, I see you always eating carb y food. What happened to those nice salads or vegetables you used to eat once in a while? Right? Like things like that. A perfect example. My husband was like, I notice you going to bed late every single night.
[:[00:04:24] Natalie: So for me, I'm gonna set my alarm and I'm going to do something In the gym whether it's working out with weights or starting with a run I'm, not sure which one is the easiest to start with or the one i'm feeling But i'm setting my alarm and i'm going to get back into it. And that's my only goal for tomorrow My only goal is to work out and I suggest if you feel like you're off just start back with one step Don't try to do 20, 000 things at once but at least by me Starting my workouts again.
[:[00:05:34] Natalie: I really love dancing too, and I try to incorporate that into my workout So I'm definitely gonna start. You know what I'm gonna Start my workout tomorrow with this dance. There's this reggaeton Soca dance. It's only like 10 minutes and I just love it It's from girl with joe and another girl who i'm forgetting her name right now, but they did this collab on youtube and If you know me, you know, I love soca.
[:[00:06:24] Natalie: But think about what output can you have to release when you need to just get the stress out. Because understand, stress is a part of life. Like, sometimes we think like, Oh my gosh, I don't want to say I'm stressed. It's so bad, but no stress is a regular part of life And it's just about how do we navigate it?