S2.E1. Season 2 Premiere- MINDSET: Master your Mindset, How Beliefs Shape Success and Happiness
On today's Season 2 Premiere, we dive deep into the mindset pillar and how it's crucial to our wellbeing. Do you know what childhood experiences are weighing you down and holding you back from reaching your full potential? Tune in to find out.
Episode breakdown:
-why you should keep your goals and dreams to yourself
-3 shocking statistics that show trauma is more common than you think
-6 reasons why your childhood may have sabotaged your mindset
-why taking care of your brain health supports your mindset
-the easiest way to shift and elevate your mindset
Elevating Mindset: Practical Strategies for Personal Growth
00:00 Welcome and Introduction to Season Two
00:22 Understanding the 12 Pillars of Wellness
01:04 The Importance of Mindset in Wellness
01:20 Wellness Check: Reflecting on Your Current State
02:16 Exploring Different Types of Mindsets
04:00 The Impact of External Influences on Mindset
06:48 The Role of Trauma in Shaping Mindset
11:38 Identifying and Reframing Limiting Beliefs
14:04 The Power of Mindset in Personal Development
17:34 The Influence of Money Mindset
19:58 Embracing Disruptive Wellness
20:45 Practical Strategies for Improving Mindset
28:05 The Role of Gratitude in Shaping Mindset
29:23 Call to Action and Final Thoughts
Call to action:
Journal Prompt- Do you allow fear to hold you back from what you truly desire? If so, why?
I am the master of my thoughts. I take responsibility for my trajectory and wellbeing.
- Patrice Washington- Redefine Wealth for Yourself
- Trauma-informed care in the emergency department
- Rachel Rodgers- We Should All Be Millionaires
- Jen Sincero- You are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth
- Katherin Zenkina- Unleash Your Inner Money Babe: Uplevel your Money Mindset
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From a Full Cup is a mental wellness education podcast that teaches women to prioritize their wellness and put themselves first, because you can’t pour from an empty cup.
I'm your host Natalie Mullin , Certified Wellness Educator, Speaker, Facilitator and Teacher. Every Thursday I release a new episode, teaching women how to dream big, take action and move the needle forward in life.
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Copyright 2025 Natalie Mullin
[00:00:22] Natalie: One of which is that every month we're going to be focusing on one of the pillars of wellness. Now there are 12 pillars and if you're a long time listener you already know what they are. But for anybody who's new or even if you want a refresher, This is actually the framework for my beliefs and my work as a coach.
[:[00:01:04] Natalie: The wellness pillar for this month is going to be mindset. Okay, so today we're going to be laying the foundation for what mindset is, the common beliefs and challenges, that impact our mindset and how we can elevate our mindset immediately using simple strategies.
[:[00:01:43] Natalie: Are you living your version of a healthy life?
[:[00:02:16] Natalie: So when we think about mindset, well, what is it? And in brief, mindset is really the mental attitude and thought patterns that determine how an individual perceives, understands, and responds to situations, challenges, and experiences. In short, it's how we view the world and as a result respond to it. And you may have heard of various types including a growth mindset, fixed mindset, abundance mindset, scarcity mindset, poverty mindset.
[:[00:03:07] Natalie: Now, I don't know if you're a personal development or a self development Junkie like I am, but if you are and even if you're not you've probably noticed that more and more people are talking about mindset. From athletes to coaches to trainers to entrepreneurs. Many are attributing their success to first starting with their mindset.
[:[00:03:40] Natalie: Mindset is really about how you think about yourself and treat yourself as well. Okay. Because if you think of yourself as. not worthy, not deserving, not good enough, then that's how you're going to treat yourself. You're never going to go after opportunities in life because you don't even see them as for you.
[:[00:04:20] Natalie: Oh, I got this great business idea and they're like, oh no, don't do it there's so many other people out there doing that already or maybe you tell them Oh my gosh, I have this dream to travel the world and I think I'm going to go on a solo trip and then they're like, Oh no, don't do that. Did you hear about the story on the news?
[:[00:04:58] Natalie: They just always shut you down They're always negative. They're always unsupportive if you keep talking to these people about your dreams You're going to doubt yourself and you're not even going to pursue your dreams because what happens is their voices Become your inner voice you because you hear it so often It's now the self talk that you give to yourself.
[:[00:05:47] Natalie: Then it's hard for you to see that you're going to excel in those areas, right? That's why so many times if you think about that phrase that they say birds of a feather flock together. A lot of people will get disappointed and they'll say, oh my gosh, nobody's supporting me.
[:[00:06:41] Natalie: Sometimes we meet people with a mindset that we just can't quite understand. It's either very negative, or very fearful, or just In all the ways holds them back and that might even be you and you might be wondering why do I have these kinds of thoughts? Why am I always holding myself back and a lot of times our mindset as I said is influenced by our upbringing But also by trauma.
[:[00:07:37] Natalie: Furthermore, the prevalence of traumatic experiences actually increases among Black, Indigenous, and other communities of colour, as well as those in poor and urban areas. It's also estimated that two thirds of all individuals have experienced at least one traumatic event before the age of 18. Now the article where these stats can be found and if you want to read more about it will be in the show notes
[:[00:08:44] Natalie: So I want to give some examples because I really want it to be clear. What are some of the things that can be impacting our mindset? So one could be abuse. If you were abused as a child, physically, emotionally, or sexually, that can lead to profound feelings of worthlessness, shame, and difficulty trusting others.
[:[00:09:31] Natalie: I personally see this one happen a lot within the black community, and other communities as well, and there is deep work because in this particular situation, a lot of it is generational, and that makes it even more difficult because you're not just breaking the mindset for that individual person, you have to think how do you break the thoughts and beliefs that have passed from parents that you might still be connected to, and grandparents, and really a whole lineage that have all thought a certain way.
[:[00:11:13] Natalie: So we see here that these are just a few examples. A lot of them, you'll notice, stem from childhood. But depending on the environment that you grew up with, This can directly have an impact on your thoughts, on the beliefs you have, what you perceive to be true, and how you view the world and therefore respond and engage and operate within it.
[:[00:11:43] Natalie: They're buried deep within our subconscious, and it takes work and effort to reframe and reprogram them. They're roadblocks that we have to find a way around, okay? Because that's how we're gonna grow. Now, when we identify the limiting belief, it's not enough to just identify it, we have to figure out what are we gonna do next.
[:[00:12:13] Natalie: So let's dig deeper into mindset and tackle some of the subconscious beliefs that people have. Now, one is things will never change. Okay, that's just a belief. That's a thought. People say it. And it's not that people go around saying out loud things are never gonna change for me, right?
[:[00:12:50] Natalie: So think of the reframe as giving possibility, right? It's just how can we twist it up, how can we make it a little bit different so that our brain receives it in a more positive way that can lead us in a direction of possibility. The second one is, I don't have the skills or the resources I need to succeed.
[:[00:13:36] Natalie: But you can reframe that and say that you can build the necessary skills and gather the resources to make your dreams a reality. Because think about it, money is out there, anybody can access it, right? So it's not a finite amount that everybody's been predestined to only have a certain amount. So, you can get more money over time, and you can gain more skills.
[:[00:14:09] Natalie: Right? So go get the skills. Go learn how to start a business. Go on YouTube. Go on Google. How do I start a business? Apparently, people use TikTok these days for everything. Uh, that is not for me. But if that's for you, then go on TikTok. How to start a business. You can gather the resources and the skills like we are in a time where so much information is available to us that literally we don't really have an excuse like the excuse is about us.
[:[00:15:23] Natalie: Like, sometimes we think we have to have a very special skill or a very special talent that everybody recognizes us for, but us being exactly who we are, as long as we show up authentically, that is your gift to the world, because nobody else has your exact personality. Nobody else has your exact sense of humor, your exact way of communication.
[:[00:16:13] Natalie: I think that's so important that last part It'll be revealed to me in time because I think in society We just want to rush everything like we're a microwave society and don't get me wrong. I love a good microwave. I Will never be that person who actually you know what never say never because I I did have a time Where there was no microwave, but I really do enjoy having a microwave.
[:[00:16:54] Natalie: Just keep going, moving in a direction. Things come to you over time.
[:[00:17:17] Natalie: Now, sometimes it's not your whole mindset that is challenging or maybe negative or, you know, something you need to work on. Sometimes it's just a specific area. So for myself, I would say in general, I'm pretty positive. I think I have a pretty strong and positive mindset, but one area that has always really required a huge amount of mindset work for me is around money.
[:[00:18:00] Natalie: I just internalized and believed a lie that I was capped at how much money I could ever make because I only thought of money coming from my actual job. And so I was like, okay, this is my job. This is how much increases I can get. And before I was working a job that had a pay grid. So it was very clear you get capped at the end of the pay grid.
[:[00:18:39] Natalie: And so I just kind of used that as an excuse to accept my fate. And I was actually really resentful towards my parents deep down at one point. Because I felt that if they had taught my sister and I about money and how to manage money, or if we at least saw them manage their money better and make better financial decisions, then I felt like our whole family line would be in a different place.
[:[00:19:17] Natalie: I learned about investing, that was a big one, and I signed up for courses just because I'm just committed to grow in this area and sometimes I feel like I take a few steps forward, then I take a step back. But you know what? I am moving in the right direction and that's good. And what I noticed is that as I continue to consume more content, it helps elevate my beliefs around money and just shift my mindset.
[:[00:20:05] Natalie: So remember, disruptive wellness is the intentional choice to push back on the status quo and society's narrative of what success, wellness, and a healthy life should look like. So disruptive wellness, this is my jam. This is what I'm all about as a wellness activist, as a holistic life coach. As a speaker.
[:[00:20:45] Natalie: All right. So now let's talk about the practical strategies. What are we doing to improve our mindset? Okay. So number one, and I bet you didn't think about this, but you're going to see how it matters. Take care of your brain, your physical brain that's in your head. Okay, now a lot of you might say, well, no, Natalie, that sounds like the body pillar.
[:[00:21:26] Natalie: If you can sleep in a dark room where the temperature is cooler, you will improve your sleep hygiene dramatically. If you can turn off digital devices about half an hour, an hour before, even better. Now, I'm telling you that, but I do not do that for myself. I'm telling you I go straight from my phone to my bed.
[:[00:22:26] Natalie: Now, my second tip is gonna be about your thought patterns. You have to determine what your thought patterns are and I know I've shared this before but a lot of us aren't Actually aware of our thoughts because first of all, the world is noisy So it's just easy to hear whatever you're consuming whether on the radio whether on social media whether on TV whether you're a colleague There are so many sounds out there.
[:[00:23:11] Natalie: When we start to think about our thoughts, we might realize that they're actually negative, but we don't want to say that or admit it. But sometimes, you know, somebody was to be able to jump into your brain, they would be like, Whoa, what's going on here? So one easy, easy way to identify your thoughts is just keep a journal and just write whatever comes to mind and don't judge yourself on it.
[:[00:23:57] Natalie: Now this is really where we should spend a lot of our time. The easiest way I've found to shift my mindset is by what I consume. Now if you are listening to this podcast, you're doing a great job. Because you are listening to material that is in support of your well being, that is in support of your personal development, and that is in support of a positive growth mindset.
[:[00:24:57] Natalie: I do not think it's good for societal, the collective well being, even though there can be moments of good within it. And so I would love for people to come off social media and just find other ways that they can engage and elevate themselves. But! Social media is not the devil. There's a lot of ways that you can elevate , I really like it here because I like the growth. I like who I've become as a person who, how I'm evolving. I like how my mindset shifted. I, there's just a lot that I like about myself at this stage of life. And I think that if we are intentional, it doesn't, it's not really an age thing, I guess. I shouldn't say it's an it's not an age thing for me, I guess it's just a phase of life that I'm in. But if you can get to phases of life where you're just elevating yourself, it doesn't matter the age, it's just about, well, what is the outcome?
[:[00:26:11] Natalie: Like, no, no, no, that's not going to be us. We want to be a community that is just striving for better, striving to fulfill our purpose, striving to make an impact on the world, striving to be good people on the planet.
[:[00:26:54] Natalie: And these feelings make it easier to think more positively and also to practice gratitude. Now, in today's society, we're so busy, so a lot of people don't actually have joyful moments. They're just going through the motions. It's the hamster wheel. So you have to be intentional. This whole podcast, the reason why it's called From a Full Cup is because we have to be intentional about filling our cups, about finding those joyful moments, about taking care of ourselves.
[:[00:27:49] Natalie: I mean, I can dance in my living room, okay? And I will have a good old time. The last tip is gratitude. I was like, should I even talk about gratitude? Because I've talked about it so many times before. But, It never gets old. There are so many people who talk about gratitude and there's a reason why. It works. When you can think of things to be grateful for, even if you don't have everything you want, you learn to be not just content, but you learn to be grateful.
[:[00:28:47] Natalie: So I want you to think about three things every day you can be grateful for right before you go to bed or right when you wake up or whenever in the day that you want to do it. And it can be really simple things. It could literally be the thought that your toes move or that you have bread in the fridge.
[:[00:29:49] Natalie: Let's just do our pillar check. What other pillars are impacting your mindset? We know that well being is interconnected, so we need to use a holistic view. Maybe you need to focus on the rest pillar and getting more sleep so that your brain is sharp.
[:[00:30:21] Natalie: And if you want to talk through your results, then send me an email. I would be happy to chat. I invite you to say today's affirmation with me. I am the master of my thoughts. I take responsibility for my trajectory, well being,
[:[00:31:12] Natalie: So can I ask you to take two seconds to rate this podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts? It means so much to a small podcaster like me and it helps others find this podcast. Thank you. Until next time, continue to serve yourself, your loved ones, and your communities from a full cup.